Build your BIM capability into your Integrated Management System

By |March 31st, 2017|BIM, Continual Improvement, ISO 9001:2015 standards, Methodology|

BIM is an unstoppable force. Contractors of all types and size will need to demonstrate, as a minimum requirement of prequalification, the capability to work in a BIM environment. This will mean embedding BIM processes in your business; such processes should of course become an integral part of your current management system, your current way [...]

The 7 Myths of Quality Management & ISO Certification: No. 2 “It’s too bureaucratic”

By |March 17th, 2017|Uncategorized|

There are different but related comments that have been made to me in this area. “It’s too bureaucratic” This is a comment from the “paperwork” School of Objections. Nobody wants to build bureaucracy into their quality management system and you do have to be on guard to prevent it creeping in. It again comes down [...]

The 7 Myths of Quality Management & ISO Certification: No. 1“It will cost a fortune”

By |March 8th, 2017|Uncategorized|

For Contractors, there are no reasons at all why your ISO Certification should be costly. I do hear horror stories about high priced consultants charging an extortionate day rate, hanging around for what seems like forever, and making the business jump through hoops and taking up everyone’s time in doing so. It does not take [...]

Introducing the Seven Myths of ISO Certification

By |March 7th, 2017|Misconceptions|

For Contractors, ISO Certification is about assuring your customers, managing your risks, accessing new markets and improving your business!   However, ISO is shrouded in myths and misconceptions. Here are the 7 most common myths that have been expressed to me on initial visits with customers (and each one will be explored in detail in [...]


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