Foy Certification has always encouraged our customers to develop an IMS from the outset, i.e. to secure certification to ISO 9001 (Quality Management). ISO 14001 (Environmental Management) and OHSAS 18001 (Health & Safety Management) in one go and 95% of our customers have done just that.

With regard to the 2015 changes to the ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 Standards, there are some very strong proposed improvements which will make them even more relevant to Construction and these have been discussed separately.

Furthermore, the 2015 changes, significantly, look to aligning the structure and terminology of all Standards so that the new 9001 and 14001 will have the same number of, and same names for, their sections and clauses. OHSAS 18001 is also due to be replaced by a new international standard and will also be fully aligned. This will make it even easier to develop and maintain fully integrated management systems. It also means that our current customers will find the transition to the new Standards easier as they already have IMS’s that are currently serving their businesses.

Foy Certification’s ISO process satisfies all the requirements of 9001, 14001 and 18001 within an IMS framework developed over three years and representing current British standard best practice for integrating management systems. The common elements of the three Standards are addressed in one go and the unique elements of each Standard are addressed and inserted appropriately so that the whole system corresponds to ISO’s basic philosophy of Plan-Do-Check & Act. Most importantly, our framework has proved 100% successful in getting specialist subcontractors through the Triple ISO Certification process first time!

Foy Certification still has limited availability for our programme “Guaranteed ISO Certification by Christmas”

This is for specialist contractors, starting in September 2015, and guarantees Triple ISO Certification by Xmas 2015 for those committed to do so.

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